Sydney Avey

Dynamic Woman — Changing Times

A Traveling Mender of Broken Hearts

Jul 4, 2016 | Adventure, Travel | 0 comments

I am not so much a gypsy as a tinker

a traveling mender of broken hearts

 a seeker of soul parts

to restore to good use.

In my tinker’s sack, my tools of restoration:

prayer, consolation

laughter, appreciation

placebos of activity

balm to help our sore eyes see

visions of new ways to be.


This week four of us are traveling to Costa Rica on a Road Scholar tour. We are three generations: a grandma and grandpa, a son (and uncle), and a grandson (and nephew). Each one of us has a hurt. In body, mind, or heart, it makes no difference–we repair to a new landscape to strengthen our bonds and restore our souls.

Papa is a recuperating veteran of international business traveler and uncertain about travel for pleasure. Nana is a bit weary, but loves adventure. Surfer son is nurturing a newly acquired taste for travel. Nervous grandson is a traveler in training, a bit fearful of what lies ahead. We will need to be careful of of each other’s sensitivities.

Reasons for traveling

I find it helpful to identify the raison d’être for any trip I take. I get more out of travel if I know what experience I’m seeking. I listed the possibilities and was surprised at the length of the list.

  1. Rest and recreation
  2. Rejuvenation
  3. Adventure
  4. Pilgrimmage
  5. Sightseeing
  6. Recuperation and recovery
  7. Soul restoration and spiritual renewal
  8. Learning and creative spark
  9. Bonding
  10. Exploration and discovery
  11. Marking a transition or life change
  12. Celebration

This trip is primarily for our grandson–to teach him how to travel and help him visualize his place in a bigger world. It is also about strengthening our family ties. Papa is hoping to survive the travel and witness a spark of inspiration in his grandson. Son hopes to see beautiful country and perhaps discover some good waves. Grandson is pumped about the sea turtles and the zip lining.  As for me, I just finished the final edit on the manuscript for my third book. Now its time to rest my eyes on beauty and gain energy and courage for the tasks ahead when I get back.

If you have a trip on your calendar, I wish you bon voyage. May your fondest dreams come true.



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