Sydney Avey

Dynamic Woman — Changing Times

Wisdom Bubbles

Sep 1, 2015 | Faith, Word study | 0 comments

4289518230_8e0f99895cThe words of a man’s mouth are deep waters, but the fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook. Proverbs 18:4.

We can drown in our words, but if we wait at the edge of what troubles or intrigues us, wisdom bubbles up.

What a delightful image.

Some bubbleology

LIKE CREAM RISING to the top, wisdom floats to the surface and spreads out into a delicious topping. Skim the cream. Taste and see if it is good. Fold it back into your brew to sweeten your experience.

WHEN TWO BUBBLES MEET, they merge. Male beta fish blow bubbles and pull them together to form bubble nests that will attract egg-laden females. If we pull our bubbles of wisdom together, might we generate thoughts that will one day produce new ideas? Share your wisdom.

AIR ESCAPES AS WATER WARMS, forming a bubble. When we warm to a new idea and act on it, might wisdom rise in our being? (What does that warming process look like? Stillness. Percolation. Movement.) Act on your ideas.

A virtuous circle

It’s a virtuous circle, says Robert Wright in a 2012 Atlantic Journal article on the relationship between wisdom and happiness. Wisdom leads to well-being, and well-being paves the way for wisdom–and, in particular, for wise action, not just a capacity for wise reasoning.

Like the air that forms dancing bubbles in a brook, God’s thoughts produce wisdom–sound action based on good judgement.

Be that fountain of wisdom that God breathes into.

Bubble like a brook.

Is there a wise action you can take today?

photo credit: Bubble DOF via photopin (license)


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