Sydney Avey

Dynamic Woman — Changing Times


Apr 26, 2013 | Faith | 0 comments

When I read, I have a filter set to look for faith messages in all situations. As I skim literature’s murky pools, I’m searching for hidden bits of hope, courage, sacrifice, and love.

Ah, but is it open-minded to read with a filter firmly in place? It is, as long as you keep your filter clean.

I try to pull my filter out for maintenance on a regular basis. I check to see if it’s clogged with prejudice, immature thought or unexamined points of view—attitudes that may cause me to miss an important truth because it doesn’t conform to a pattern of thought I’ve grown used to.

Ah, but is a filter necessary? It is, or debris will clog your inner workings. A properly sized filter will let in thoughts that challenge, upset, disturb, or delight you, but it will keep out spam.

Everyone’s spam filter is set differently. Mine is set to allow for strong language that serves a story well, but not over salted fare that deadens my senses: sex, yes; erotica, not for me.

Ah, but if you set your mind on faith messages, isn’t that limiting; boring, even? Let’s be honest, a diet consisting only of the fruits of the Spirit (love, peace, faithfulness, joy, goodness, gentleness, patience, self-control, kindness) makes you sick. In the rich context of struggle, however, it saves your soul. It makes for good reading, too.

Is it time to check your filter?


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