Sydney Avey

Dynamic Woman — Changing Times


The Pope’s Challenge

NPR recently broadcast the Pope’s challenge. He is calling all people to look at four issues through a humanitarian rather than a political lens.

Wisdom Bubbles

The words of a man’s mouth are deep waters, but the fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook. Proverbs 18:4.

Raw Emotions: Wearing Your Heart on Your Sleeve

Raw emotions behave like unruly children who burst into anguished howls of disbelief, sadness, and anger when they feel deprived. As children, we find unbearable the injustice of being denied what we rightly cherish–parental attention, a coveted toy, or an experience we were counting on to bring us joy. When we mature, we learn to suppress our outrage and employ patience and understanding. Then something happens. Someone close to us dies. We haven’t been thwarted, we’ve been mugged and left in a ditch.

A Grief That Has No Words

In times of grief, no words adequately describe the event that has caused our pain and how we are changed by what has occurred. “I have no words,” we say to each other. Then we struggle to find the right words that will help us make sense of the insensible.

Moral Character: A Book Review

In a pluralistic society where people disagree on standards of behavior, discussions of moral conduct can be uncomfortable. Good news for novelists. What gets us into trouble at a cocktail party plays well in story form.


Crafting a Novel Around a Real Person: An Interview with Sydney Avey – WRITE NOW!

Crafting a Novel Around a Real Person: An Interview with Sydney Avey – WRITE NOW!



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