Sydney Avey

Dynamic Woman — Changing Times


Find Good Stories in Museums: Part I

Museums curate stories and tell history in interesting ways. On a recent trip to Bisbee, AZ, we found a gem of a museum. The Bisbee Mining and Historical Museum, a Smithsonian affiliate, presents the town’s boom or bust history from multiple points of view: bankers and businessmen; waves of immigrants; engineers and politicians; and consumers like you and me who use products that contain copper, like light switches, on a daily basis.

In Relief

My neighbor’s Mexican tile roof shines in bright relief against a darkening sky.  Has Old Man Winter cast a glance westward? The temperature has dropped to 66 degrees. I hear you laughing. In Buffalo, New York, rooftops piled six feet high with snow threaten to collapse so I’m not complaining.


Know Your Place

Do you know your place? Is it where you were born and raised, went away to school, moved across country to live with the one you love, or found your dream job? Is it a landscape that soothes or inspires you, one that you visit often or only in your imagination?

Island Vista

Wherever you roam, is there a vista you call home? Not a specific address, but a familiar landscape? For me it’s a mountain valley. I grew up tucked close to a coastal mountain range that gave me a feeling of well being and sense of eternity.  In the chaos of life, I could literally look to the hills and find peace.

MailChimp and MicroDwellings

This little guy arrived special delivery, mail dropped from Barbara Haiges to Stan and Mary Bruederle.  They brought him to me from California along with my Writer’s Magazine and my Chico’s catalog. Chimpie comes courtesy of MailChimp, my email list management and delivery service who does such an awesome job for free on my enewsletter.

All Fired Up

Combine the fastest growing wildfire on record with unrelenting media coverage and the high drama of warfare and you are all fired up for adrenalin rush. Pine Mountain Lake shot up from a little hideout in the Sierra foothills to become the number one focus of national attention within the space of a few days.

Crafting a Novel Around a Real Person: An Interview with Sydney Avey – WRITE NOW!

Crafting a Novel Around a Real Person: An Interview with Sydney Avey – WRITE NOW!



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